Friday, 1 July 2016

How to Apply HR Global Path on 12.2.4 with Database on Linux 6.5 (64-bit)

login as: crpapp
crpapp@'s password:
Last login: Wed Feb  3 10:19:50 2016 from
[crpapp@ebscrp ~]$
 [crpapp@ebscrp ~]$ cd /u1/CRP/appsTier/
[crpapp@ebscrp appsTier]$ ls
EBSapps.env  fs1  fs2  fs_ne
[crpapp@ebscrp appsTier]$ . ./EBSapps.env run

  E-Business Suite Environment Information
  RUN File System           : /u1/CRP/appsTier/fs1/EBSapps/appl
  PATCH File System         : /u1/CRP/appsTier/fs2/EBSapps/appl
  Non-Editioned File System : /u1/CRP/appsTier/fs_ne

  DB Host:  Service/SID: CRP
  E-Business Suite Environment Setting

  Sourcing the RUN File System ...


[crpapp@ebscrp appsTier]$ adop phase=prepare
APPS Password:
SYSTEM Password:
WEBLOGIC Password:


If you are not enable HR & Payroll licencing so list of " HR Global Location" Not show for Installation if  you are apply the HR Global patch without enable licensing so you are facing blow "ERROR" Between apply the Patch.
FAILED: file ffftcmptpi.ldt on worker  1 for product ff  username APPS.
For Detail

DataInstall and HRGLOBAL Application: 12.2 Specifics (Doc ID 1469456.1)and (2006776.1)


java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall <un> <pw> thin <host:port: sid >
< un > username of the apps
<pw> password of the apps
<host:port: sid > database connection information

 [crpapp@ebscrp ~]$
[crpapp@ebscrp ~]$ java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps apps thin

You will see a screen like below:

DataInstall Main Menu

1. Select legislative data to install/upgrade
2. Select college data to install/upgrade
3. Select JIT/Geocode or OTL to install/upgrade
4. Exit to confirmation menu

Enter your choice : 1

Usage of DataInstall is fairly straightforward, basically select/deselect legislations to install using the index number of the legislation shown in the list in menu 1 followed by I for install or C for clear
Apply hrglobal.drv
The driver is located at $PER_TOP/patch/115/driver/hrglobal.drv and should be run on the tier which has the $APPL_TOP available. In most cases this will be the Apps tier.
hrglobal.drv is a pure "database, d type" driver so the actions in the driver apply only to the database. As such, for RAC/multi-node setups, it is only required to run the hrglobal.drv on one node. Be mindful to only run the driver located in the directory $PER_TOP/patch/115/driver hrglobal.drv driver should be applied as per a normal patch using the adop utility.
[crpapp@ebscrp ~]$
[crpapp@ebscrp ~]$
[crpapp@ebscrp ~]$adop phase=apply patchtop=$PER_TOP/patch/115 patches=driver:hrglobal.drv options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion,forceapply

APPS Password:
SYSTEM Password:
WEBLOGIC Password:

After Apply HG Global patch Must Complete adop phases.


[crpapp@ebscrp ~]$adop phase=finalize
[crpapp@ebscrp ~]$adop phase=cutover
[crpapp@ebscrp ~]$adop phase=cleanup

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