Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Signon Password Policies (Production Server)

Profile Options:
A number of profile options relate to the seeded delivered password policies. 

Signon Password Case:
This profile will enable case sensitivity for password. To make it case sensitive it will make passwords more secure because combination of upper and lower characters will be used. When passwords are not case sensitive the entered password by the user will be uppered and validated against the encrypted password stored with the user.

Signon Password Custom:
This profile will provide the name of the custom java class which enables the use of custom, client specific, password policies.

Signon Password Failure Limit:
This profile provides the number of login attempts an user can do. When the number of attempts exceeds this setting the users' account will be blocked.

Signon Password Hard To Guess:
Setting this profile to Yes will provide the following password policies:

1) The password containts at least one letter AND at least one number
2) the password does not contain the username
3) the password does not contain any repeating characters

Signon Password Length:
This profile will give the minimum length of an user password

Signon Password No Reuse:
This profile will provide the number of days an user must wait before reusing an earlier used password.

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