Tuesday, 18 June 2019

R12: Autoconfig failed on jtfictx.sh INSTE8_PRF 1 - ORA-29874: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine ( EBS R12 12.2.x)

Oracle E - Business suite: R12.1.3 on Linux 64 bits and Oracle Database on same platform.

I have upgraded E-business suite application from R12.1.1 to R12.1.3. All steps were completed successfully except autoconfig. I faced following error during autoconfig.

Autoconfig completed with errors.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-20000: Oracle Text error:
DRG-11422: linguistic initialization failed
DRG-11446: supplied knowledge base file
/u01/app/orar12/db/tech_st/11.2.0/ctx/data/enlx/droldUS.dat not installed
ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1199
ORA-06512: at line 37


I tried many matalink notes and was not successfully.

An Issue is the CTXSTS.DEFAULT_LEXER. INDEX_THEMES attribute was made to YES.


1.Login to the database as ctxsys user and run

Conn ctxsys/ctxsys
exec ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('DEFAULT_LEXER','INDEX_THEMES','no');

2. Now drop and rebuild the indexes

$ cd $JTF_TOP/patch/115/sql/

$ sqlplus apps/apps @jtfiimt.sql JTF JTF NULL NULL

------ The "jtfiaibu.sql"
script is used to drop and recreate the "JTF_AMV_ITEMS_URL_CTX"
Intermedia Text index.

$ cd $JTF_TOP/patch/115/sql/
$ sqlplus apps/apps @jtfiaibu.sql JTF JTF APPS

"Jtfictx.sh" Failed During Autoconfig On Application Tier, ORA-29874, DRG-10595 (Doc ID 1271186.1)
Oracle Text may not include Theme Functionality after Installation (Doc ID 262701.1)

Source: Internet/R&D

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