Wednesday, 9 October 2019

DB-Link with Oracle database to Microsoft Sql Server via Oracle Gateways (Heterogenic Service)

Environment Details:
Operating Environment: Windows Server 2012 R2 Evolution Version
Database Environment: Microsoft Sql Server 2008 R2 32bit/64Bit
Oracle Database Environment: OS Linux 7.5 64bit With EBS R12 (12.1.3) and RDBMS EE

Step – 1

A-      Installation of Oracle Gateways (Heterogenic Services) 64bit
Patch No: (p13390677_112040_MSWIN-x86-64_5of7)

Oracle Gateways certified version for 64bit-ODBC and SQL-Server including Operating System.
Starting with 11R2g Oracle now provides a Database Gateway for ODBC for 64-bit Windows operating systems, which can be used to connect to any third party database using a suitable third party 64-bit ODBC driver.

Please be aware:

- DG4ODBC is first ported to 64bit Windows platforms starting with 11.2 and it is NOT supported to use a 32bit DG4ODBC on a 64bit Windows operating system nor can you use a 32bit ODBC driver with a 64bit DG4ODBC.

The gateway is certified also for older Oracle releases,, or But please be aware those pre-11g Oracle databases require a patch to work properly with V11 Gateways.

The patch can be found on My Oracle Support by performing a simple search under the 'Patches & Updates' tab at the top of the page. Choose 'Simple Search’, enter 5965763 in the block for the patch number, and select the appropriate platform from the Platform or Language list.

This compatibility patch is already included in the patch-sets.

B-      Click Run Button for Installation.

C-      Installer is automatic checking UI Pre-req 

D-      Click Next Button 

E-      Click Browse... If you want to change the installation directory location if it is your need. Otherwise Click Next Button to Continue. 

F-      Before Checking Product-Specific Prerequisite Click Next Button

G-      Check In () Two Production for Database Gateways
1-      Oracle Database Gateway for Microsoft SQL Server
2-      Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
Then Click Next Button

H-      Loading Java Development Kit for Installation

I-      You will write of your Microsoft Sql-Server 2008 information there like this.
1-      Sql Server Database Server Host Name: GTECHPC ( This is host name of Microsoft Sql Server)
2-      Sql Server Instance Name: ORCL (This is Microsoft SQL-Server Instance name you can get from Sql-Server)
3-      Sql Server Database Name: Northwind (This is your created database there you will store our business data as well
4-      All Information of Microsoft Sql Server Should be correct because it will create internal connectivity link with ODBC
Then Click Next Button

J-      Processing Precompiler Support Files…

K-      Click Install Button for Installation 

L-      Installation Continue…

M-      At the end we will be creating  LISTENER and TNS just for Name of Listener and tns because both has not certified for Oracle Gateways (HS) after creating we will delete all information in listener and tns because of some (HS) miss information has miss.

N-   I am Creating listener with the name of LISTENERDG4ODBC and TNS for DG4ODBC.

O-      Click Yes button for Finished Installation.

P-      After Installation we will check dg4odbc and dg4msql is available in Oracle Gateways ORACLE_HOME/Bin

Q-     Listener Service add in Services.msc Like below:

Create ODBC for Connectivity
Step – 2
A-      Click ODBC Data Sources (64-bit)

      B-   Click System DNS Tab and Click Add Button

C-   Click SQL Server Line and Click Finish Button

D-      You will write and select correct information for DNS Configuration
1-      Name: dg4odbc
2-      Description: dg4odbc
3-      Server: GTECHPC\ORCL
                Then Click Next 

E-      Go with default configuration and Click Next Button 

F-      Check In () Change the default database to: and Select Northwind Custom Database for Default and Business Data. Then Click Next Button

G-      Go with default configuration and Click Finish Button 

H-      Click Test Data Source Button for Testing of ODBC DSN

I-      Click OK Button 

J-      Click OK Button 

K-      Click OK for Final Close

Heterogenic Service Configuration on Oracle Gateways
Step – 3
A-      Create and Change init<SID>.ora File
1-      Create init<SID>.ora file
2-      Location “D:\product\11.2.0\tg_1\hs\admin “
3-      If your DSN-ODBC name is dg4odbc so you will create initdg4odbc.ora file in above location like:

4-      Change information in initialization initdg4odbc.ora file

D:\product\11.2.0\tg_1\hs\admin\ initdg4odbc.ora

# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are
# needed for the Database Gateway for ODBC
# HS init parameters
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = <odbc data_source_name>
HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = <trace_level>
# Environment variables required for the non-Oracle system
#set <envvar>=<value>

Change like this: first, copy both parameters, commend off then paste and change the values with save.

D:\product\11.2.0\tg_1\hs\admin\ initdg4odbc.ora

# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are
# needed for the Database Gateway for ODBC
# HS init parameters
#HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = <odbc data_source_name>
#HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = <trace_level>

# Environment variables required for the non-Oracle system
#set <envvar>=<value>

B-      You will remove old Information in listener.ora and recreate the listener with new (PROGRAM) with services.msc name.

1-      Old Listener Values.
2-      Location: D:\product\11.2.0\tg_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\listener.ora

# This is a sample listener.ora that contains the NET8 parameters that are
# needed to connect to an HS Agent


3-      You will have add new listener information as per Configuration Requirement like this: 
1-      As per services.msc Registration listener name : LISTENERDG4ODBC
2-      Add Hostname of Sql Server :
3-      Add Port for Oracle Database : 1521
4-      Add SID_NAME this is DSN-ODBC Name Here: dg4odbc
5-      Add PROGRAM which is you are used for Connectivity (It will same DSN-ODBC) : dg4odbc

# Listener.ora Network Configuration File: D:\product\11.2.0\tg_1\network\admin\listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

      (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp) ( (PORT=1521))



C-      You will remove old Information in tnsnames.ora and recreate the TNS with new (HS) Prameter.

1-      Old tnsname.ora values:
2-      Location: D:\product\11.2.0\tg_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\ tnsnames.ora.

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: D:\product\11.2.0\tg_1\network\admin

dg4msql =

3-      You will have add new listener information as per Configuration Requirement like this: 
1-      Write of your tnsname which is DSN-ODBC Name Here: dg4odbc
2-      Add Hostname of Sql Server :
3-      Add Port for Oracle Database : 1521
4-      Add CONNECT_DATA this is DSN-ODBC Name Here: dg4odbc
5-      Add HS Parameter which is you are used for Connectivity: OK

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: D:\product\11.2.0\tg_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

dg4odbc =

D-      You will start listener and check all Services that is depended on listener

#lsnrctl start LISTENERDG4ODBC

#lsnrctl Status LISTENERDG4ODBC

#tnsping dg4odbc

Oracle Database DB Link Configuration with Oracle Gateways (Heterogenic Service)
Step – 4

A-      Add Oracle Gateways tnsname service in Oracle Database where you want to create db link for accessing Microsoft SQL-Server.
B-      Source you Database environment

[oracle@dbsc ~]$ source /u02/oracle/db/tech_st/12.1.0/DUMM_dbsc.env

C-      Open your tnsname.ora and you will add there Oracle Gateways services for connectivity with Microsoft SQL Server and test tsnping is working fine.

[oracle@dbsc ~]$ cd $TNS_ADMIN
[oracle@dbsc DUMM_dbsc]$ vi tnsnames.ora

dg4odbc  =
[oracle@dbsc ~]$ tnsping dg4odbc

TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 26-SEP-2019 11:10:07

Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)( (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=dg4odbc)) (HS=OK))
OK (10 msec)

[oracle@dbsc ~]$

D-      You will Connect with SYS AS SYSDBA for Creating DB Link and Create DB link with “sa” sysadmin user in SQL-Server and furqan is local user in SQL-Server

[oracle@dbsc DUMM_dbsc]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> Create public database link dg4odbc connect to "sa" identified by "Password123" using 'dg4odbc';

SQL> Create public database link furqan connect to "furqan" identified by "Oracle_12" using 'dg4odbc';

SQL> desc "dbo"."Employees"@dg4odbc;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 EmployeeID                                NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 LastName                                  NOT NULL NVARCHAR2(20)
 FirstName                                 NOT NULL NVARCHAR2(10)
 Title                                              NVARCHAR2(30)
 TitleOfCourtesy                                    NVARCHAR2(25)
 BirthDate                                          DATE
 HireDate                                           DATE
 Address                                            NVARCHAR2(60)
 City                                               NVARCHAR2(15)
 Region                                             NVARCHAR2(15)
 PostalCode                                         NVARCHAR2(10)
 Country                                            NVARCHAR2(15)
 HomePhone                                          NVARCHAR2(24)
 Extension                                          NVARCHAR2(4)
 Photo                                              LONG RAW
 ReportsTo                                          NUMBER(10)
 PhotoPath                                          NVARCHAR2(255)
 Salary                                             NUMBER(10)

SQL> select "EmployeeID","LastName","FirstName" from "dbo"."Employees"@dg4odbc;

EmployeeID LastName                                 FirstName
---------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------
         1 Davolio                                  Nancy
         2 Fuller                                   ali
         3 Leverling                                Janet
         4 Peacock                                  Margaret
         5 Buchanan                                 Steven
         6 Suyama                                   Michael
         7 King                                     Robert
         8 Callahan                                 Laura
         9 Dodsworth                                Anne
        12 Majid                                    Mansoor
        13 asif                                     khan
        21 rashif                                   ayaz
        22 ali raza                                 kashif
        23 khan                                     ali asif
        24 kashif                                   ali
        25 khan                                     ali asif
        26 ali jan                                  noman
        27 ali jan                                  noman
        30 qureshi                                  asif
        31 zafar                                    kashif
        32 ali                                      kashif
        33 erre                                     ali
        34 Khan                                     Ali

23 rows selected.

2092 rows selected.

SQL> select * from "sys"."all_objects"@dg4odbc

2092 rows selected.

SQL> col OWNER format a10
SQL> col DB_LINK format a30
SQL> col USERNAME  format a10
SQL> col HOST format a10
SQL> select OWNER,DB_LINK,USERNAME,HOST from dba_db_links where DB_LINK like ('%DG4ODBC%');

OWNER      DB_LINK                        USERNAME   HOST
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
PUBLIC     DG4ODBC.ORACLE.COM            sa         dg4odbc


Source: SR/Internal Research 

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