Monday, 27 November 2017

How to Find Application ID in EBS R12

SQL> SELECT fa.application_id           "Application ID",
fat.application_name        "Application Name",
fa.application_short_name   "Application Short Name",
fa.basepath                 "Basepath"
FROM fnd_application     fa,
fnd_application_tl  fat
WHERE fa.application_id = fat.application_id
AND fat.language      = USERENV('LANG')
-- AND fat.application_name = 'Payables'  -- <change it>
ORDER BY fat.application_name;

Application ID Application Name Application Short Name Basepath
13017  APAC Consulting Localizations CLA CLA_TOP
272 Activity Based Management (Obsolete) ABM ABM_TOP
805 Advanced Benefits BEN BEN_TOP
545 Advanced Outbound Telephony IEC IEC_TOP
725 Advanced Planning Foundation(obsolete) RHX RHX_TOP
661 Advanced Pricing QP QP_TOP
431 Advanced Product Catalog EGO EGO_TOP
724 Advanced Supply Chain Planning MSC MSC_TOP
160 Alert ALR ALR_TOP
190 Application Implementation AZ AZ_TOP
0 Application Object Library FND FND_TOP
168 Application Report Generator RG RG_TOP
3 Application Utilities AU AU_TOP
191 Applications BIS BIS BIS_TOP
50 Applications DBA AD AD_TOP
60 Applications Shared Technology SHT SHT_TOP
203 Approvals Management AME AME_TOP
7000 Asia/Pacific Localizations JA JA_TOP
873 Asset Tracking CSE CSE_TOP
140 Assets OFA FA_TOP
663 Automotive VEA VEA_TOP
711 Automotive Integration Kit (Obsolete) VEH VEH_TOP
271 Balanced Scorecard BSC BSC_TOP
538 Banking Center (obsolete) FPT FPT_TOP
674 Bill Presentment & Payment IBP IBP_TOP
543 Billing Connect (obsolete) CUE CUE_TOP
702 Bills of Material BOM BOM_TOP
502 Budgeting and Planning PBR PBR_TOP
20160 Build/syncronize Contracts Repository Text index OKC_REP_TXT_INDEX_SYNC OKC_TOP
690 CRM Foundation JTF JTF_TOP
689 CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices ASG ASG_TOP
875 CRM Self Service Administration JTS JTS_TOP
20180 Call Center CSN CSN_TOP
547 Call Center Connectors IET IET_TOP
705 Capacity CRP CRP_TOP
8731 Capital Resource Logistics - Assets CUA CUA_TOP
8724 Capital Resource Logistics - Financials CUF CUF_TOP
8721 Capital Resource Logistics - Projects IPA IPA_TOP
260 Cash Management CE CE_TOP
866 Citizen Interaction Center CUG CUG_TOP
3002 Clinical Transaction Base CTB CTB_TOP
695 Collections IEX IEX_TOP
601 Common Modules-AK AK AK_TOP
679 Communications Intelligence BIN BIN_TOP
867 Complex Maintenance Repair and Overhaul AHL AHL_TOP
708 Configurator CZ CZ_TOP
723 Constraint Based Optimization MSO MSO_TOP
549 Content Manager IBC IBC_TOP
8407 Contract Commitment IGC IGC_TOP
510 Contracts Core OKC OKC_TOP
524 Contracts Integration OKX OKX_TOP
870 Contracts Intelligence OKI OKI_TOP
876 Contracts for Procurement (Obsolete) OKP OKP_TOP
541 Contracts for Rights (Obsolete) OKR OKR_TOP
871 Contracts for Sales (Obsolete) OKO OKO_TOP
865 Contracts for Subscriptions (Obsolete) OKB OKB_TOP
516 Controlled Availability Product(Obsolete) ME ME_TOP
707 Cost Management CST BOM_TOP
511 Customer Care CSC CSC_TOP
518 Customer Intelligence (obsolete) BIC BIC_TOP
879 Customers Online IMC IMC_TOP
525 Data Query ODQ ODQ_TOP
803 DateTrack DT DT_TOP
722 Demand Planning MSD MSD_TOP
9003 Demand Signal Repository DDR DDR_TOP
512 Depot Repair CSD CSD_TOP
429 Development DNA DNA_TOP
878 Digital Asset Management IAM IAM_TOP
432 Document Managment and Collaboration DOM DOM_TOP
235 E-Business Tax ZX ZX_TOP
709 E-Records EDR EDR_TOP
13014 EMEA Consulting Localizations CLE CLE_TOP
680 Email Center IEM IEM_TOP
703 Engineering ENG ENG_TOP
426 Enterprise Asset Management EAM EAM_TOP
274 Enterprise Performance Foundation FEM FEM_TOP
210 Enterprise Planning and Budgeting ZPB ZPB_TOP
40 Environment Management System EMS EMS_TOP
7002 European Localizations JE JE_TOP
298 Exchange POM POM_TOP
802 FastFormula FF FF_TOP
8901 Federal Financials FV FV_TOP
513 Field Service CSF CSF_TOP
868 Field Service/Laptop CSL CSL_TOP
883 Field Service/Palm CSM CSM_TOP
8406 Financial Aid IGF IGF_TOP
505 Financial Analyzer ZFA ZFA_TOP
266 Financial Consolidation Hub GCS GCS_TOP
450 Financial Intelligence FII FII_TOP
435 Financials Common Modules FUN FUN_TOP
714 Flow Manufacturing FLM FLM_TOP
882 Fulfillment Services (Obsolete) AMF AMF_TOP
747 Genealogy Intelligence GNI GNI_TOP
101 General Ledger SQLGL GL_TOP
600 Global Accounting Engine AX AX_TOP
8402 Grants Accounting GMS GMS_TOP
8404 Grants Proposal IGW IGW_TOP
3004 Healthcare HCA HCA_TOP
3003 Healthcare Intelligence HCP HCP_TOP
3005 Healthcare Terminology Server HCT HCT_TOP
864 Hosting Manager(Obsolete) AHM AHM_TOP
800 Human Resources PER PER_TOP
453 Human Resources Intelligence HRI HRI_TOP
546 IVR Integrator IEV IEV_TOP
283 Incentive Compensation CN CN_TOP
438 Information Technology Audit ITA ITA_TOP
542 Install Base CSI CSI_TOP
872 Install Base Intelligence (Obsolete) XNI XNI_TOP
699 Interaction Blending IEB IEB_TOP
677 Interaction Center Intelligence BIX BIX_TOP
539 Interaction Center Technology IEO IEO_TOP
242 Internal Controls Manager AMW AMW_TOP
230 Internet Procurement Enterprise Connector ITG ITG_TOP
401 Inventory INV INV_TOP
726 Inventory Optimization MSR MSR_TOP
13016 Japan Consulting Localizations CLJ CLJ_TOP
13015 LAD Consulting Localizations CLL CLL_TOP
8403 Labor Distribution PSP PSP_TOP
7004 Latin America Localizations JL JL_TOP
810 Learning Management OTA OTA_TOP
540 Lease and Finance Management OKL OKL_TOP
204 Legal Entity Configurator XLE XLE_TOP
206 Loans LNS LNS_TOP
700 Manufacturing MFG MFG_TOP
560 Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing GMO GMO_TOP
407 Manufacturing Mobile Applications WMA WMA_TOP
388 Manufacturing Scheduling WPS WPS_TOP
530 Marketing AMS AMS_TOP
520 Marketing Encyclopedia System AMV AMV_TOP
517 Marketing Intelligence BIM BIM_TOP
531 Marketing for Communications (Obsolete) XNM XNM_TOP
8725 Mass Market Receivables for Comms CUR CUR_TOP
704 Master Scheduling/MRP MRP MRP_TOP
860 Media Interactive MIV MIV_TOP
874 Mobile Application Foundation JTM JTM_TOP
405 Mobile Applications MWA MWA_TOP
403 Mobile Applications for Inventory Management MIA MIA_TOP
425 Mobile Quality Applications MQA MQA_TOP
8727 Network Logistics CUS CUS_TOP
8722 Network Logistics - Inventory CUI CUI_TOP
8729 Network Logistics - NATS (obsolete) CUN CUN_TOP
8723 Network Logistics - Purchasing CUP CUP_TOP
534 Number Portability XNP XNP_TOP
1776 Obsolete Process Operations DUMMY_GMO DUMMY_GMO_TOP
451 Operations Intelligence OPI OPI_TOP
20161 Optimize Contracts Repository Text index OKC_REP_TXT_INDEX_OPTIMIZE OKC_TOP
99 Oracle Applications Manager OAM OAM_TOP
3006 Oracle Clinical Data Repository CDR CDR_TOP
667 Oracle Deal Management QPR QPR_TOP
278 Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics IZU IZU_TOP
207 Oracle Imaging Process Management IPM IPM_TOP
9004 Oracle Landed Cost Management INL INL_TOP
9001 Oracle Manufacturing Operations Center MTH MTH_TOP
9000 Oracle Price Protection DPP DPP_TOP
507 Oracle Profitability Manager PFT PFT_TOP
869 Oracle Sales for Handhelds ASP ASP_TOP
881 Oracle Telecommunications Billing Integrator XNB XNB_TOP
666 Oracle Web Analytics IBW IBW_TOP
178 Oracle iProcurement ICX ICX_TOP
697 Order Capture ASO ASO_TOP
300 Order Entry OE OE_TOP
660 Order Management ONT ONT_TOP
691 Partner Management PV PV_TOP
41 Patch Tracking System PTX PTX_TOP
200 Payables SQLAP AP_TOP
673 Payments IBY IBY_TOP
801 Payroll PAY PAY_TOP
548 Predictive IEP IEP_TOP
555 Process Manufacturing Financials GMF GMF_TOP
558 Process Manufacturing Intelligence PMI PMI_TOP
551 Process Manufacturing Inventory GMI GMI_TOP
556 Process Manufacturing Logistics GML GML_TOP
559 Process Manufacturing Portal GMW GMW_TOP
553 Process Manufacturing Process Execution GME GME_TOP
554 Process Manufacturing Process Planning GMP GMP_TOP
552 Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD GMD_TOP
557 Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management GR GR_TOP
550 Process Manufacturing Systems GMA GMA_TOP
420 Product Development (obsolete) IPD IPD_TOP
455 Product Intelligence ENI ENI_TOP
777 Project Contracts OKE OKE_TOP
1292 Project Intelligence PJI PJI_TOP
712 Project Manufacturing PJM PJM_TOP
440 Project Portfolio Analysis FPA FPA_TOP
275 Projects PA PA_TOP
240 Property Manager PN PN_TOP
694 Proposals PRP PRP_TOP
535 Provisioning XDP XDP_TOP
8401 Public Sector Budgeting PSB PSB_TOP
8450 Public Sector Financials PSA PSA_TOP
8400 Public Sector Financials International IGI IGI_TOP
8302 Public Sector HR PQH PQH_TOP
8303 Public Sector Payroll PQP PQP_TOP
20139 Public Sector Receivables PSR PSR_TOP
201 Purchasing PO PO_TOP
452 Purchasing Intelligence POA POA_TOP
250 Quality QA QA_TOP
880 Quoting QOT QOT_TOP
222 Receivables AR AR_TOP
7003 Regional Localizations JG JG_TOP
437 Regulatory Capital Manager (obsolete) RCM RCM_TOP
662 Release Management RLM RLM_TOP
710 Release Management Integration Kit (Obsolete) RLA RLA_TOP
265 Report Manager FRM FRM_TOP
719 Retail Core RRC RRC_TOP
8726 Revenue Accounting CUC CUC_TOP
186 Risk Management QRM QRM_TOP
509 Risk Manager RMG RMG_TOP
877 Royalty Management OKT OKT_TOP
270 SEM Exchange (obsolete) EAA EAA_TOP
280 Sales ASN ASN_TOP
501 Sales Analysis AN AN_TOP
506 Sales Analyzer ZSA ZSA_TOP
279 Sales Foundation AS AS_TOP
676 Sales Intelligence BIL BIL_TOP
544 Sales Offline ASL ASL_TOP
522 Sales Online ASF ASF_TOP
532 Sales for Communications (Obsolete) XNC XNC_TOP
698 Scheduler CSR CSR_TOP
519 Scripting IES IES_TOP
170 Service CS CS_TOP
536 Service Assurance for Communications XNA XNA_TOP
515 Service Contracts OKS OKS_TOP
862 Service Intelligence BIV BIV_TOP
533 Service for Communications (obsolete) XNS XNS_TOP
665 Shipping Execution WSH WSH_TOP
410 Shop Floor Management WSM WSM_TOP
718 Site Management RRS RRS_TOP
396 Sourcing PON PON_TOP
523 Spares Management CSP CSP_TOP
8405 Student System IGS IGS_TOP
602 Subledger Accounting XLA XLA_TOP
202 Supplier Scheduling CHV CHV_TOP
454 Supply Chain Intelligence ISC ISC_TOP
778 Supply Chain Localizations JMF JMF_TOP
701 Supply Chain Trading Connector for RosettaNet CLN CLN_TOP
514 Support (obsolete) CSS CSS_TOP
1 System Administration SYSADMIN FND_TOP
863 Systems Intelligence BIY BIY_TOP
20200 Team 01 Order Entry Demo DEM01 DEM_TOP
537 TeleBusiness for Telecom/Utilities XNT XNT_TOP
521 TeleSales AST AST_TOP
172 Telephony Manager CCT CCT_TOP
808 Time and Labor HXT HXT_TOP
809 Time and Labor Engine HXC HXC_TOP
682 Trade Management OZF OZF_TOP
681 Trade Planning (Obsolete) OZP OZP_TOP
508 Transfer Pricing FTP FTP_TOP
716 Transportation Execution FTE FTE_TOP
390 Transportation Planning MST MST_TOP
185 Treasury XTR XTR_TOP
8301 US Federal Human Resources GHR GHR_TOP
696 Universal Work Queue IEU IEU_TOP
20114 University Curriculum OUC OUC_TOP
436 Utility Billing BLC BLC_TOP
273 Value Based Management EVM EVM_TOP
385 Warehouse Management WMS WMS_TOP
231 Web Applications Desktop Integrator BNE BNE_TOP
706 Work in Process WIP WIP_TOP
174 XML Gateway ECX ECX_TOP
603 XML Publisher XDO XDO_TOP
175 e-Commerce Gateway EC EC_TOP
678 eCommerce Intelligence BIE BIE_TOP
205 iAssets IA IA_TOP
675 iAuction IBT IBT_TOP
683 iClaims (Obsolete) OZS OZS_TOP
3000 iHCConnect HCC HCC_TOP
3001 iHCIntegrate HCN HCN_TOP
670 iMarketing (Obsolete) IBA IBA_TOP
861 iMeeting (obsolete) IMT IMT_TOP
821 iRecruitment IRC IRC_TOP
415 iSettlement ISX ISX_TOP
671 iStore IBE IBE_TOP
177 iSupplier Portal POS POS_TOP
672 iSupport IBU IBU_TOP
20159 test TEST TST_TOP
281 rows selected.

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