Shutdown RAC Database
You need to Shutdown Database instances on each node. You can either use Oracle Enterprise Manager or SVRCTL to shutdown the instances. If you are using EM Grid control then set a blackout in Grid control for processes that you intend to shutdown. So that records for these processes indicate that the shutdown was planned.
Use below command to stop Enterprise Manager/Grid Control
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop dbconsole
Use below command to shutdown all oracle RAC instances on all nodes.
$ ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl stop database -d db_name
Use below command to status all oracle RAC instances on all nodes.
$ ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl status database -d db_name
If you want to stop specific database instances use below command
$ ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl stop database -d db_name –i instance_name
Shutdown Oracle ASM Instance
Once the database is stopped, proceed with ASM Instance shutdown.
Use below command to shutdown ASM instances on all nodes
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/bin/srvctl stop asm -n node
Shutdown Node applications
Use below command to shutdown node apps on all RAC nodes
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/bin/srvctl stop nodeapps -n node
Shutdown Oracle Clusterware
You need to Shutdown oracle clusterware or CRS as root and run below command on each node in the cluster.
$crsctl stop crs
Please note that using above command will stop Oracle High availability services (OHAS) and Clustware stack in a single command
From 11g R2, you can do this in two stops
1. Stop Clustwerware stack on local node
$crsctl stop cluster
You can stop the clusterware stack on all nodes in the cluster
$Crsctl stop cluster –all
-all Start clusterware on all nodes
-n Start clusterware on particular nodes
2. Stop Oracle High availability service demon on each node in the cluster.
$ crsctl stop has
Check the Status of Cluster
Once all process stopped run the below command to check the status of CRSD,CSSD,EVMD process.
$ crsctl check crs
If you see any process failed to stop then you can also use Force option to terminate the processes unconditionally.
$ crsctl stop crs –all –f
Start processes in Oracle RAC
Follow the reverse sequence to start all processes in oracle RAC
$ crsctl start crs
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/bin/srvctl start nodeapps -n node
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/bin/srvctl start asm -n node
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl start database -d db_name
If you come across any issues during startup orshutdown, check the Oracle Clusterware Component Log Files.
Oracle Clusterware Log Directory Structure
CRS_HOME/log/hostname/crsd/ - The log files for the CRS daemon CRS_HOME/log/hostname/cssd/ - The log files for the CSS daemon
CRS_HOME/log/hostname/evmd/ - The log files for the EVM daemon
CRS_HOME/log/hostname/client/ - The log files for the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR)
CRS_HOME/log/hostname/racg/ - The log files for the Oracle RAC high availability component
CRS_HOME/log/hostname/racg/ - The log files for the Oracle RAC high availability component
CRS_HOME/log/hostanme/alert.log – The alert.log for Clusterware issues.
Please note that the CRS_HOME is the directory in which the Oracle Clusterware software was installed and hostname is the name of the node
srvctl start instance -d UAT -n uat-ebsdb1
srvctl start instance -d UAT -n uat-ebsdb2
-rw-r----- 1 logicdb dba 890302976 Dec 11 14:16 1_281_926106152.dbf
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